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The Process of Transiting Saturn Conjunct Venus

Transiting Saturn conjunct Venus

Transiting Saturn is malefic. The planet Saturn focuses on the fundamentals, and what is really important. Venus is the attraction to beauty and love. During transiting Saturn conjunct Venus the person attracts people that makes him/her focus on the important aspects of relationship such as respect, commitment, and trust. If his/her current relationship does not have these qualities then he/she might think that it is not long lasting and decides to let go. Transiting Saturn conjunct Venus may lead to tough love because the person still sees that the relationship is worth fixing, or may lead to breaking up because he/she is either tired of trying or it simply doesn’t work anymore.

The process of transiting Saturn conjunct Venus

The process of transiting Saturn conjunct Venus is hard especially if both are dependent on each other. It is also tough to break ties with whom you are in love it. But without trust, true love, commitment, honesty, loyalty, and respect then the person may realize that it is better off without a partner. The process can be challenging especially if the person with transiting Saturn conjunct Venus knows that he/she is at fault. He/she may try to win the partner back, but there will be delays. It depends on the planets involved in the natal chart, reflection and time alone might be needed to make an important decision. Cooling off may be true for others, but for some, it is not necessary.

Make or Break?

Transiting Saturn conjunct Venus can make the relationship stronger or it can break it. If the relationship meets the most essential traits of being in a loving relationship then it will enter a test of time. This test will be remembered and valued by the people in the relationship. Some examples of it are going together into a tough time where people can lean on each other. Being in a shared goal like taking care of a sick relative. Working together as a team for an important project. Or choosing to stay faithful in a long-distance relationship. During transiting Saturn conjunct Venus the person is honest about their relationship. The truth will be revealed and they are not being completely honest with each other then it can break their trust thus leads to break up. There’s a big deal about the basic foundations of the relationship during this transit.

How To Handle Transiting Saturn Conjunct Venus Positively?

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    1 Comment

    • Hi! Venus in Capricorn here, tightly conjunct Saturn… waiting for her Saturn return over Venus… I am single, thank God. But I’m hoping for a true (Saturn) love (Venus) to come my way. 🙂

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