Transit Mercury Semi Square Chiron

Transit Mercury semi square Chiron
During transit Mercury semi square Chiron in your natal chart, your mind is busy recalling your pain, sufferings, humiliation, and failures in life. This period will summon up your wounds, and how people induced pain in your life. There are chances that those people who hurt you before will communicate with you during this transit, and act as if everything are OK. This time you want to analyze and understand the causes of it your pain. You are thinking between bitterness, anger, grief, revenge and forgiveness. Flashbacks of memories with a clear mental picture of what happened before plays in your mind. You will understand what you did before that made matters worse.
Transit Mercury semi square Chiron is the cause of your current mental suffering. It unveils that you let your anger take over for many years. And those people you blame has nothing to do with your sufferings all along! This time you will realize that you are currently living a life full of regrets. But now it is the time to forgive yourself, and others to be free.
It will take awhile before you realize what you really did something wrong before. Forgiveness is the key to release your negative feelings. Accept that you are only human and prone to do mistakes. Communicating with someone you trust about your experience will also help ease your pain. Or better yet, if you do not want to talk with someone about your pain, you can grab pen and a piece of paper. Unload every mental distress you are having by writing it down and you will feel a lot better after.
It is also helpful to open up with someone who had the same experience as you had. You can act as their guide to help the other person survive those hurtful experiences. Becoming a wounded healer will make you feel better during these days. Do you have any thoughts about releasing those sufferings of Chiron when it’s in a hard aspect with mercury? Write your ideas in the comment section below.