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Natal Pluto in the Twelfth House

Natal Pluto in the Twelfth House

Pluto in astrology is an adjective to a planet or house. It brings obsessive compulsive feeling and modifies what it touches. It means your irresistible urge, and what you are passionate with. The twelfth house rules hospitals, prisons, mental institutions, and monasteries. It brings frustration, anxiety, confinement, and loss; also slavery, sickness, and imprisonment. It means law of karma. Pluto in the Twelfth house means that the person is irrational about the universal law of karma the person is intense and they love to sacrifice, struggle and transform itself to good.

People with natal Pluto in the Twelfth house often like to isolate themselves. They can be fanatic, religious, or political, or anything else with a particular view that classifies him or her as right and everyone else as wrong. They try to implement their strong belief between right and wrong. Trying to change what they think is wrong in the situation they are in. If they think they can’t help to resolve it they they will maintain a distance between themselves and others. They can often feel that they are the ultimate victims of society. They imagine they have enemies everywhere. If they grew up with trauma and suppressed environment then they may create an alternative lifestyle to what they believe in.
Pluto in the Twelfth house have an inner conflict between the psychic and the spiritual, between the material and spiritual. They could move between the extremes of drug- taking (specially if they cannot take a hold into the things they think are good and right.) and totally obsessed church goers. They use drugs where their hallucinations creates a fantasy world that gives immediate gratification of what they think is morally correct and which is not seen in the reality of their everyday lives.

People with Pluto in the Twelfth house sometimes search through such mystic systems like astrology for answers
. They have the passion to know the truth about the universe, its laws, and systems. They like investigating and unraveling the secrets. To search beyond themselves and their immediate environment. They possess a psychic sensitivity to the hidden lives of others They develop a timeless understanding of the higher nature of things, and operate from that perspective in their daily lives.

In-Depth Understanding about the Symptoms of Natal Pluto in the Twelfth house.

Pluto is irrational and when it touches your twelfth house there is a deep inner urgency…

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Without following the universal law of karma in their lives they suffer from feelings of guilt a nd patterns of self- persecution. They understand the struggles of the less fortunate, and are often willing to reach out and help them in some way. This personality is hidden in the unconscious mind. The nature of the twelfth house is some what secretive; and the individual may thrive for spirituality and silent secrets of life, perhaps revealed in a monastery. The search for meaning in spirituality, in meditation and merging with the whole, gives important purpose for the individual.

The Positive Side of Natal Pluto in the Twelfth house.


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    • Loved it! I can definitely relate! I do indeed keep in mind of the extremes and try to find the balance, the harmony between each extreme in whatever it is im trying to learn. Thank you for the glass of wine, I’d like the whole barrel now. My Pluto demands more..❤️

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