Moon Jupiter square Pluto Venus 24 November 2016
Moon Jupiter square Pluto Venus on 24 November 2016
For those who asked me earlier what does the transits of Moon Jupiter square Pluto and Venus means this is a tribute for you all
Moon conjunct Jupiter is bliss, combined with the need to obsessively achieve beauty. This transit that will happen on 24th November 2016 will activate a need to bond with your friends and have a good time with them. Excessive pampering of oneself, this is a feel good moment. There’s a possibility that you will celebrate your success with your friends, or you will finally achieve your long awaited goal after so much failure (If you really worked hard for it). Overall this is a very optimistic and happy transit.
If you do not celebrate anything, or have fun with your friends this will be very stressful and depressing. It recommended to go to a place with high quality food or ambiance. Go drink with your friends at a bar and meet new friends. Go to a salon and work on the new makeover that you are longing for so long. Buy something expensive for you. There is a feeling of wanting to spend more that you can handle so be aware! But, it will make you so happy you would not realize that until you overspent yourself. So don’t forget to budget.
Frustration is also possible for those who feel blocked from achieving success. This time you will work harder and probably may be involved with marketing or advertising to connect to a larger audience if you are involved with business. Getting off your chair and into life, starting or continuing a big project you neglected, extreme motivation to succeed all these are at extreme levels of enthusiasm. You may also feel the need of an experience consisting of mere superficial joy, or sexual desire, may include immediately rewarding, relatively short-lived pleasure.
Be careful on becoming overly generous to others, but if you think that it is worth it then go ahead.
Don’t forget to share your experience about Moon Jupiter square Pluto Venus this 24 November 2016 on the comment section below!
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