Financial Debt In Astrology

Financial debt in astrology
Greetings, star friends! There are certain days where people get into debt. Certain astrological aspects indicate financial debt in astrology. Transiting planets in your natal chart may also trigger debt and economic problems. In some cases, you might attract people who want to borrow money from you. In this article, we will discuss the planets and aspects that are responsible for financial debts in astrology.
The Planets Responsible for Debt
First, let us discuss the inner planet that is responsible for the debt. Mars is your sense of achievement, and it gives us the direction of what we want to do. Mars is action and our drive. It is also the reason for causing debt problems, especially if Mars is combined with an ambitious pattern like Jupiter-Neptune in the 11th harmonic, where the person has low impulse control. These people having this pattern will swipe their credit cards to travel restlessly, and they can never be satisfied.
Venus-Jupiter-Pluto in the 11th harmonic indicates a restless taste for luxury and high-end products. These people having this pattern will spend most of their money on grandeur purchases. They pretty much love signature brands and large-scale investments.
These people having any of these patterns in the 11th harmonic chart needs credit counseling.
Indicators of Debt Problems in the Transiting Chart.
There are usually credit terms in a business where you’ll pay within thirty days, three months, six months, depending on your agreement with your suppliers. Having transiting Saturn-Uranus creates issues and problems about the payment due. This is probably because the due date is near, and you are still short of funds. Saturn-Uranus creates a feeling of tension and a need to rush things, or else you may face the consequences.
This is also applicable to credit cards. You may experience short of funds to pay your credit card expenses, or your credit goes overlooked, damaging your credit score. Here are the ways to repair your credit that might help you.
Transiting Planets that Attracts People Borrowing Money from you.
Transiting Jupiter trine/sextile Neptune makes you want to please those who seek support, including financial help. You may attract people who will ask you to lend them money. During this transiting planet pattern, you are very gallant. If Pluto is involved in the Jupiter trine/sextile Neptune pattern, you may attract people who will sell you something worth more than its actual price or more of what you can afford, resulting in a credit card purchase and an immense amount of debt.
This still depends on the whole planetary pattern, zodiac signs, and houses. Every person is born with a unique natal chart. It is best to consult a professional astrologer to prepare you for your future and help you manage your debt as per your personality and characteristics.
Do you have the 11th harmonic pattern and planet combinations on your natal chart? Have you experienced the terror regarding about debt of Saturn-Uranus in your transiting chart? Please share your experiences about debt in the comments below.