Meet Your Filipino Astrologer

Filipino Astrologer Reynalyn Cruz is the woman behind the name Seraphic Siren. Reynalyn is a Vibrational Astrology Practitioner and the owner of Seraphic Siren Astrology. She graduated from Avalon School of Astrology in Gainesville, Florida U.S.A. where she took up a Vocational Degree in Astrology, Ethics Counseling Training and received Professional Astrology Certificate after completion in 2017.
In addition, she has a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration majoring in Customs Administration, and a Licensed Customs Broker in the Philippines. She is a specialist in Customs and International Trade. She also took up courses on Forex and Stock Market Trading, and subjects on Psychology.
Your Filipino astrologer Reynalyn is a part-time professional practicing astrologer, and a financial astrology consultant for both day traders and investors in Manila, Philippines. She is focused on the natal chart , prediction, astrocartography, relocation electional and relationship consultations because she loves to guide her clients to make a life changing decisions. Reynalyn also guides her clients in making sound decisions on their forex and stock trading based on future predictions and trends in the global market. She inspired her clients to unlock their highest potential and reach a higher level of achievement in life. She helps her clients solve their personal life, family, career, and relationship without compromising their own planetary energies. She pretty much helps everyone to be successful. Success in terms of having a sense of satisfaction.
Her philosophy in astrology is that the charts show a wiring diagram that helps us get a glimpse of the person’s behavioral patterns. If we are familiar with the behaviors, it then helps us get an idea of how the person will react in relationships and certain planetary transits. She uses a method called Vibrational Astrology. VA is a harmonic system produced by John Addey in Great Britain, and today developed into an advanced level led by Reynalyn’s guru, David Cochrane.
Her knowledge and experience in astrology, combined with her knowledge of business and international trade, financial market, astronomy, psychology, economics, research methodology, management, her years of work with clients, and her spiritual and metaphysical orientation to life is a rare combination. Thus this interest makes her pursue to create research studies relating the movements of celestial bodies to events in international trade and financial markets.