Composite Venus conjunct Neptune

Venus is beauty. It is the reason that others are drawn to something. It is the attraction to something beautiful. Neptune is an ideal, a dream and a vision. Composite Venus conjunct Neptune means that it is a love based on ideals.
A relationship having composite Venus conjunct Neptune in the astrology chart is very romantic. This union is focused on the possibilities for love, rather than seeing what it really is. This is very dreamy, and it brings hope. The people in this relationship see things with rose colored glasses. They see the visions, they imagine their future, and they have an idea of what love should be. This romantic love affair can be nice and sweet. There will be plenty of candlelight dinners, flowers, dates. But this still depends on the whole planetary pattern of the composite chart and the current transiting planets.
The main focus of composite Venus conjunct Neptune is having this “dreamy love”. This dream can be compared to a damsel in distress waiting for its prince to save her. It can be as simple as believing that your crush will love you back someday, marrying someone rich, or being with your one true love. It still depends on the other planets that affect this composite aspect. But think about it, all of these examples above are possible, but it is not a hundred percent sure that it will come true. And no one knows the life you are going to have after your dreams come true, but you are still drawn and attracted to it.
One thing I’m concern with Composite Venus conjunct Neptune is that…
Venus is beauty. It is the reason that others are drawn to something. It is the attraction to something beautiful. Neptune is an ideal, a dream and a vision. Composite Venus conjunct Neptune means that it is a love based on ideals . . .
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