Transit Neptune gives awe and wonder to the planet, or house cusp it touches. It is very idealistic and visionary. It seeks dreaminess. Transit Neptune opposition Natal Ascendant means that the person seeks magic and inspiration. Since it also conjunct the seventh house cusp there will be changes in the person’s relationship
Transiting Jupiter Square Uranus
Transiting Jupiter makes everything blow up like a balloon.Uranus wants to be in the moment. So during transiting Jupiter square Uranus these people are focused on being happy, alive, and to party. These people want to laugh with friends and have a good time. The negative effect of this aspect is…
Transiting Saturn in Astrology is hard. It means that you are going through a process of removing superficialities and getting down the bones of whatever planet it touches. Neptune means ideals, hopes and dreams. So during transit Saturn conjunct Neptune you are going to strip away the superficialities of Neptune.
Saturn in astrology means to remove the superficial, it makes you focus on the important things. The twelfth house in astrology means hidden things and symbolizes the ending of things. Twelfth house represents sacrifices and separation. So when Saturn transits your twelfth house some people blame themselves for a certain act they did which causes…
Astrology Aspects During My Actual Board Exams That Helped Me Prepare In Advance to Pass
As you can see I did not update my blog for two months. I focused on my studies in preparation for my board exam last month November 2015. It feels good to be back on writing astrology articles again! Like…
Transit Mercury semi square Chiron
During transit Mercury semi square Chiron in your natal chart, your mind is busy recalling your pain, sufferings, humiliation, and failures in life. This period will summon up your wounds, and how people induced pain in your life. There are chances that those people who hurt you before will…
Expect a long moment of emotional instability during Transit Neptune Square Natal Moon. Neptune is dreamy, a visionary, idealistic and magical. With Neptune having a hard aspect to your moon--your emotion and mood--you will become unrealistic. It is hard for you to see the reality. It creates a challenge to pursue your wildest dreams. During the first phase of…
Half of the pregnancies around the world are unplanned. Younger generations experience unexpected pregnancy because of their curiosity and free spirit nature within a relationship, but even a few of those married couples come across unplanned pregnancies. It will happen even if you are sure that you are safe and using a method of protected…
Ever wonder using the hidden knowledge of astrology to identify the auspicious time to apply for something that will greatly affect your living? Well I did, and I used it for Google Adsense application. Astrology did not do all the work for me, I also decide for myself. I did everything what Adsense wants in…
I remember five years ago, I dreamt of being a CEO of a large company and the only important things to me were money and status. Now, I realised the significance of the word “peace”, the joys of doing what you love, the value of time and freedom to explore other talents and skills that…
Since January 21, 2015 11:55pm Mercury began to retrograde in the sign of Aquarius and it will last for twenty-one days until February 11, 2015. During this mercury retrograde period, the native will experience difficulties in communication and mental stress (mercury) using electronics, technologies, and internet (Aquarius). It is also possible to have major misunderstanding…
When transit Saturn conjunct Pluto in Ascendant you will face a big change of your life and that change will be hard for you. For two and a half years that Saturn transits your 12th house, your secrets are revealed and you learn to accept who and what you really are that you never realized…