Financial debt in astrology
Greetings, star friends! There are certain days where people get into debt. Certain astrological aspects indicate financial debt in astrology. Transiting planets in your natal chart may also trigger debt and economic problems. In some cases, you might attract people who want to borrow money from you. In this article, we…
A Septile is an aspect in astrology where the distance between two or more planets is 51 degrees and 26 minutes orb. To get a clear picture of this minor aspect, imagine dividing a circle into seven equal angle the you will get a Septile aspect. Septile is 1/7 of a circle.
Jupiter in astrology blow things up and it likes to make things big. Saturn in astrology is about structure and focus on the important things. Planets with a septile aspect in astrology will show as a conjunction 7th Harmonic Chart. Having natal Jupiter septile Saturn in very tight orb means that you are focus on…