Cancer Rising Sign – Ascendant in Cancer
Cancer Rising Sign – Ascendant in Cancer
People with Cancer Rising Sign are known for being gentle, caring, protective and nurturing. They are family-oriented, and often labeled as family man or woman. They have a close connection to their family. They are viewed as a homebody and not very outgoing. They love to stay at the comfort of their home.
Cancer Rising Sign in Friendship
Their friends see them as the most supportive, encouraging, and symphatetic in their circle. Those with Ascendant in Cancer are often seen surrounded with compassionate friends. Their enemies should also be their friend’s enemies, or else they will not see them as real friends.
Cancer Rising Sign in Love Relationship
Their lover sees them as sweet, affectionate, and sentimental. Those people having Cancer Rising Sign are very territorial, so they get jealous easily. It is a big deal for them when someone flirts with their boyfriend or girlfriend. So better stay out of their way (or else their friends will get back at you). They treat their lover as a member of their family. They want their partner to meet all their relatives and friends to feel comfortable. They are the happiest when their relatives are in favor to their dating partner.
Cancer Rising Sign as a Marriage Partner
In marriage, those people having Cancer Rising prioritize their husband or wife above anything. They put their family on top of themselves. They also seek security in their married life, and do their best to provide it. Their marriage partner sees them as dedicated mom or dad, the glue that will bind the family together, reliable, and faithful. The marriage will be full of love and emotional support.
Do you have an Ascendant in Cancer? Please share your experiences on being a Cancer Rising, and share how others see you as a person. Write your the in the comments section below! Thanks!Sign up for FREE horoscope reading from a professional astrologer!
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