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Astrology Aspects During My Actual Board Exams That Helped Me Prepare In Advance to Pass

Astrology Aspects During My Actual Board Exams That Helped Me Prepare In Advance to Pass

As you can see I did not update my blog for two months. I focused on my studies in preparation for my board exam last month November 2015. It feels good to be back on writing astrology articles again! Like others who believes in astrology, and use it as a guide on preparing for an important event in their life. I also used astrology to know whether the time and date of my actual exams will run smooth. And to be prepared for the unknown events that might happen during the actual exam. So in this article I will share the astrology aspects during my actual board exams that helped me prepare in advance.

The exams consists of four major subjects, divided into two days. Our first exam is on November 10, 2015, and the second half is on November 11, 2015. Test starts at eight o’clock in the morning, and one o’clock in the afternoon. I was fully prepared that time because I spent all my time reviewing seriously.

Here are the following astrology aspects that I saw beforehand which helped me prepare for the exams.

Day 1, November 10, 2015.

  • Transit Sun, and Mercury conjunct Natal Pluto in Scorpio Ascendant. Which all sextile my Natal Uranus conjunct Neptune in the second house.
  • Transit Pluto conjunct Natal Uranus and Neptune in the second house.
  • Transit Uranus in the fifth house Square Natal Uranus in the second house.

It means that I’m able to remember what I have learned. Information will come to me naturally. I can remember things at lightning speed. Over analyzing may lead to deception and confusion thus resulting into wrong answers. The first answer that pops into my head is the answer.

Day 2, November 11, 2015.

  • Transit Moon, Mercury, and Sun in conjunction with my Pluto in Scorpio Ascendant.
  • Transit Moon, Mercury, and Sun are sextile Natal Uranus and Neptune in the second house.
  • The only thing that adds up here is the Moon, and it happened at exactly one o’clock in the afternoon.

It means the mood pushes me to think fast, sort of panicking, and tensed. The feeling connects in the speed of thinking, and maybe some deception.

So, What happened during the first day of exams?

During the first day of my exam everything was smooth. I’m able to recall all the right answers in extreme speed. I carefully read the questions, because I might be deceived with those tricky questions. But, it turns out that every question are pretty straight forward. I choose the wrong answers by over analyzing. Because I thought that the question is in relation with the other laws but no, it was straight to the point.

The second day of exam, Mind boggling revelations!

The proctor told me that I might fail. Because I did not shade the Identification sheet, and Answer sheet properly. She returned my Identification sheet and refused to accept my answer sheet. She said I should shade the choices darker. Then she asked whether I shade like that in the previous subjects, I said yes. She said that the machine will not read light shaded answer. But, I knew that the machine is sensitive and it can read it, so I didn’t let her steal my hope on passing.

At exactly one o’clock in the afternoon, the questionnaires arrived and ready to distribute. The proctor announced that the computation questionnaires consist twenty-two pages, one hundred items. The review center informed us that it is only fifty items, two points each. And in the previous board exams it is only fifty items. We are all like “There is no way its one hundred items,” “The proctor must be kidding!” But, the proctor said, “If you don’t believe me then just take look at it.”

By the time the proctors handed our exam questionnaire, reality hit us hard! There is no way we could compute, and classify commodities using AHTN in three hours. We need to answer one questions in one hundred eight seconds to complete all one hundred questions!

I was not certain about what might actually happen that day. But I had an Idea that it will be a test of speed. The revelation was unexpected because we all thought that it will be fifty items only. Good thing I memorized all the laws, equations, and conversion table. I wrote it down everyday so I can recall it easily just like my cellphone number.

What are the astrology aspects during your exam?

Do you know what are the astrology aspects during your previous or upcoming exams? What are your thoughts about it? I love to hear it! Please leave your story, or comments at the comment section below!

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